Service Manager


Using Saved Search

You can use the Saved Search feature to save the defined search criteria to ease your search experience.

About Saved Searches

Viewing the List of Saved Searches Available to Your Role

Creating a Saved Search

Viewing the Dependencies of a Saved Search

Modifying a Saved Search

About Saved Searches and the Favorites List

Deleting a Saved Search

Accessing Saved Searches by Business Object

Exporting a Saved Search

Giving Roles Permission to Export a Saved Search

Emailing a Saved Search

Giving Roles Permission to Email a Saved Search

Cloning a Saved Search

Setting the Visibility of a Saved Search

About Saved Searches

You can save your search conditions in a saved search. This allows you to quickly perform a search without needing to manually enter all of the search conditions each time. You can create, modify, and delete a saved search.

You can view all of the saved searches available to your role and those applicable to the current workspace.

Viewing the List of Saved Searches Available to Your Role

1.Log into the Service Desk.

2.Open a workspace.

3.Click the drop-down arrow of the All button. The application displays the list of saved search available for that workspace and for the role.

Creating a Saved Search

(Undefined variable: FRS_VARS.Product) provides an assortment of default saved searches based on your user role. You can also create your own search and add it to the saved searches list.

You can only create saved searches for personal use if your role has create permissions. If your role has edit permissions, you can edit saved searches created by other users and publish saved searches to other roles. Permissions for saved searches are defined by the administrator in the application settings for each role.

1.Log into the Service Desk.

2.Open a workspace.

3.Click the drop-down arrow of the All button. The application displays the list of saved search available for that workspace.

4.Click the New Saved Search option.

Alternatively, you can also create Saved Search by clicking the New Saved Search icon from the workspace area.

The New Saved Search icon only appears if your role has create or edit permissions.

5.Click the Settings icon.

6.In the Saved Search Settings dialog box, enter the requested information and click OK.

  Field Description
Sharing Publish action to The roles to which to publish this saved search. Select from the drop-down list. This saved search is available for all users in those roles.
Category Specifies if the search is on the saved search list or on a dashboard. Category is a way to group searches into meaningful collections.
Defaults Personal Default Check Personal Default to make this saved search the default when you (the logged-in user) open this specific workspace. This search automatically executes and the results appear in the list when you open this workspace. Uncheck Personal Default if you do not want to make this your default search.
Default for roles The roles for which this saved search is the default. Choose the roles from the drop-down list. You can only designate roles to which you have write permissions.




Check box indicates the permission set for the user to edit Saved Search


Check box indicates the permission set for the user to delete Saved Search.

If you have only create permissions, you can create and edit the saved search that you created. You cannot publish to your role or other roles.

If you have edit permissions, you can publish to your role or other roles.

7.Enter information into the other fields, as described in Using Additional Search Features.

8.Click Save as... give your search a name and then click Save.

The application saves the search and displays it on your list of saved searches.

Viewing the Dependencies of a Saved Search

Saved searches that are deleted or modified might affect the display of data in a dashboard part. You can view the dependencies associated with each saved search to determine if a dashboard part is affected.

1.Log into the Service Desk.

2.Open a workspace.

3.Click the drop-down arrow of the All button. The application displays the list of saved search available for that workspace and for the role.

4.To see the entire list, click All Saved Searches.

5.Hover the cursor over any Search Name, If you have the correct permissions, four options appear: Edit, Clone, Dependency, and Delete. Click Dependency.

The application displays a Dependency dialog box with a list of dashboard items that depend on this search.

6.Click Close.

Modifying a Saved Search

Do not modify any default saved searches, as this could cause unexpected results due to dependent processes.

Before modifying a saved search, check for any affected dependencies.

You can modify or publish a saved search to any role if you have edit permissions. In this case, the edit icon appears next to the saved search. Permissions are set by your administrator in the system settings for your role.

1.Log into the Service Desk. Help Desk

2.Open a workspace.

3.Click the drop-down arrow of the All button. The application displays the list of saved search available for that workspace and for the role.

4.To see the entire list, click All Saved Searches.

5.Hover the cursor over any Search Name, if you have the correct permissions, four options appear: Edit, Clone, Dependency, and Delete.

Saved Search Toolbar (Service Manager Application)

6.Click the edit icon , then change any of the fields and search criteria.

7.Click Save.

About Saved Searches and the Favorites List

Saved searches that are marked as favorites appear on the saved searches list with a yellow star next to their name. Saved searches that are not favorites have a gray star.

The administrator establishes the favorite saved searches for all users, but individual users can manage their own list of favorites. You can add a saved search to the favorites list and you can remove a search from the favorites list. Removing a saved search from the favorites list does not delete the saved search.

The application shows all saved searches that are marked as a favorite in the saved search drop-down list.

Removing a Saved Search from the Favorites List

1.Log into the Service Desk.

2.Open a workspace.

3.Click the drop-down arrow of the All button. The application displays the list of saved search available for that workspace and for the role.

4.To see the entire list, click All Saved Searches.

5.Hover the cursor over the yellow star of Search Name you want to remove from the Saved Search from the favorite list.

6.Click Remove Favorite.

Adding a Saved Search to the Favorites List

1.Log into the Service Desk.

2.Open a workspace.

3.Click the drop-down arrow of the All button. The application displays the list of saved search available for that workspace and for the role.

4.To see the entire list, click All Saved Searches.

5.Hover the cursor over the gray star on the Search Name you want to add to favorites list.

6.Click Add as Favorite.

Deleting a Saved Search

You can delete a saved search if you have delete permissions. In this case, a Delete icon appears next to the saved search. Permissions are set by your administrator in the application settings for your role.

Before deleting a saved search, check for any affected dependencies. See Viewing the Dependencies of a Saved Search.

1.Log into the Service Desk.

2.Open a workspace.

3.Click the drop-down arrow of the All button. The application displays the list of saved search available for that workspace and for the role.

4.To see the entire list, click All Saved Searches.

5.Hover the cursor over the Search Name you want to delete. If you have the correct permissions, the application displays the Delete icon.

6.Click the delete icon .

7.Click Yes in the confirmation window.

Accessing Saved Searches by Business Object

Administrators can see all saved searches for each business object.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Search Tools > Saved Searches to open the Saved Searches workspace. The application displays a list of business objects with saved searches.

2.Click Edit under the Action column for the business object for which to view saved searches. The application displays the list of saved searches for the business object.

You can also access all saved searches for a business object by doing the following:

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Business Objects to open the Business Objects workspace.

2.Open a business object. The application displays the workspace for that business object.

3.Along the top, click Saved Searches. The application lists all of the saved searches associated with that business object.

Exporting a Saved Search

You can export the records found in a saved search to a Microsoft Excel (.xls) file. You must have permissions granted by the administrator to do this.

1.Log into the Service Desk. .

2.Open a workspace.

3.Click the drop-down arrow of the All button. The application displays the list of saved search available for that workspace and for the role.

4.To see the entire list, click All Saved Searches.

5.Click the Export to Microsoft Excel icon next to the saved search to export. You do not see the icon if your role does not have permissions.

The application downloads the file to your local computer.

Giving Roles Permission to Export a Saved Search

Users with administrator rights can perform this procedure.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Roles and Permissions to open the Roles and Permissions workspace. The list of roles appears.

2.Select the role to have export permissions. The Role Details page appears.

3.Select the System Permissions tab.

4.At the bottom of the page, check Allow Microsoft Excel download from saved searches.

5.Click Save.

The users for that role see the export icons on the Saved Searches page after they refresh or login again.

Emailing a Saved Search

You can email the results of a saved search to yourself. You must have permissions granted by the administrator to do this.

1.Log into the Service Desk. .

2.Open a workspace.

3.Click the drop-down arrow of the All button. The application displays the list of saved search available for that workspace and for the role.

4.To see the entire list, click All Saved Searches.

5.Click the email icon for the saved search you want to send as an email. You will not see the icon if your role does not have permissions.

The file is sent to the logged-in user's email address.

Giving Roles Permission to Email a Saved Search

Users with administrator rights can perform this procedure.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Roles and Permissions to open the Roles and Permissions workspace. The roles list appears.

2.Select the role to have email permissions. The Role Details page appears.

3.Select the System Permissions tab.

4.At the bottom of the page, check Allow Email to yourself from saved searches.

5.Click Save.

The users for that role see the email icons on the Saved Searches page after they refresh or login again.

Cloning a Saved Search

You can clone a saved search.

1.Log into the Service Desk. .

2.Open a workspace.

3.Click the drop-down arrow of the All button. The application displays the list of saved search available for that workspace and for the role.

4.To see the entire list, click All Saved Searches.

5.Hover the cursor over the Search Name you want to clone. If you have the correct permissions, a Clone button appears.

6.Click Clone.

7.Click Yes in the confirmation window.

The application adds a new saved search to the list. It has the same name as the saved search that you cloned, except that the new saved search has " - Copy" appended to the name. To change the name, edit the saved search.  See Modifying a Saved Search.

Setting the Visibility of a Saved Search

You can make a saved search visible or hidden depending on a condition.  Follow these steps:

1.From the Configuration Console, click either Build > Search Tools > Saved Searches or Build > Automation Tools > Saved Searches to open the Saved Searches workspace. The application displays a list of business objects with saved searches.

2.Click Edit under the Action column for the business object to set the visibility of a saved search for. The application displays the list of saved searches for that business object.

3.Hover the cursor over a search name and click Edit. The application displays the saved search format area.

4.Click Hidden Expression. The application displays an Expression Editor pop-up window where you can enter an expression that specifies when the saved search is visible.

5.Enter an expression such as $(GetGlobal("FeatureA")).

6.Click Save.

7.Save the saved search. The application displays the list of business objects with saved searches. Notice that there is a function symbol in the Hidden column, to denote that the saved search has a hidden expression associated with it.

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